
Wheel of Taltos (was Brandy)

Jeremy Michel jjm57 at cornell.edu
Tue Nov 19 18:39:21 PST 2002

At 04:21 PM 11/19/2002 -0500, you wrote:

>On Tuesday, November 19, 2002, at 12:24 PM, Chris Olson - SunPS wrote:
>>>>   You gotta love an author
>>>>like Steve, who can write a book that is to the point, exciting and moves
>>>Like _The Phoenix Guards_, right?
>>Exactly, like the Phoenix Gua... Uh.... Nevermind...
>>(Actualy, Phoenix Guards kept MY attention, was exciting,
>>and moved fast enough to keep me interested.  I've read
>>other books that weren't as "Dumas"-y and found myself
>>yawning.  So, yeah!  Like TPG!!!)
>Dumas certainly isn't for everyone. I tried to read The Three Musketeers 
>but failed bad. It just wasn't my thing, tho Count of Monte Christo was 
want something wierd

The first time i read The Three Musketeers i started at the begining and 
read the forward even.  About half way through i though 'hmm, this voice 
sounds familiar" so i go to the end of the forward to see who wrote it and 
guess what "Steven Brust, PJF". I started laughing (I had read Phoenix 
Guards before Musketeers.) but it was definately something i thought to 
share here. Popcorn?