
A question re: Begining Fantacy for Youth

Mon Nov 25 07:40:11 PST 2002

On Sun, 2002-11-24 at 02:26, Gametech wrote:

> I don't see why but almost everyone I know has the "Harry Potter series
> really isn't all that bad." attitude and is usually translates into I love
> the series I can't get enough of it gimmie gimmie gimmie but are too ashamed
> to just say

Most of my friends just have to 'I can't get enough of it gimmie gimmie
gimmie when's the d at mn 5th book coming out?' attitude.  This includes
the friend who handed me my first Brust novel[1].  I'm of the opinion
that the series is great for audiences of all ages, and with the
exception of the second book[2], only gets better as they go along. 
Yeah, the books aren't to terribly deep, but you don't always need that
to be entertained.  If you did, we wouldn't have any action movies out
there :)

[1]  Actually, she handed me a bookbag full off all the Vlad/Khaavren
novels published at the time.

[2]  Everyone I know agrees that the second book wasn't quite as good as
the rest.