
A question re: Begining Fantacy for Youth

Mon Nov 25 15:17:43 PST 2002

H.T. responded to my suggestion:
> >I was given the first of Raymond E. Feist's books, Magician, later
> >released in two volumes in massmarket paper on hard cover for
> >Christmas '82 when I was 12. I ate it up.
> Feist seems a little old but maybe not. Then, perhaps you were a
> mature 12 year old?

Given that I'm the one that suggested Donaldson, yeah, I probably don't work
as a model for what to give your step-brother.  At twelve I had a paper
route so that I could fund my book habit.  I bought The One Tree in hard
cover when it came out around my 12th birthday.  OK, so I'm twisted enough
to hold my own on this list, aren't I? :)
