
A different Track

David Dyer-Bennet dd-b at dd-b.net
Mon Nov 25 21:33:53 PST 2002

Jeremy Michel <jjm57 at cornell.edu> writes:

> So i got 84 messages about youth fantasy today (and i will admit that
> i've contributed a bit myself in days past) but this is getting
> rediculous, i'm sorry i can't keep up anymore  I prepose we start a
> new conversation.  

Oh, that'll help, *another* topic to add to the message cascade!  :-)

But seriously, the way to start a discussion is to *say* something;
asking somebody else to do the work is far less likely to work.
David Dyer-Bennet, dd-b at dd-b.net  /  http://www.dd-b.net/dd-b/
 John Dyer-Bennet 1915-2002 Memorial Site http://john.dyer-bennet.net
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