
A question re: Begining Fantacy for Youth

Mon Nov 25 22:09:30 PST 2002

> > > You gave him LOVECRAFT and you are complaining that he's too
> > > young for CS Lewis and Vlad??!?!?!?!!!

 Lovecraft's not bad for that age group- I went on a Lovecraft binge when I
 was about that age and read everything the man ever published (everything
 I  could find, anywho) No sex, not too terribly graphic (compared to a lot
 the horror out these days), little if any foul language. Good kid fodder,
 if  my somewhat fragile memory is holding up. Only danger I see if the kid
 might  do what I did- chase down and try to read the Necronomicon <sp?>
That one
was amusing, but maybe a little much for your average pre-teen.

> >