
Damiano's Lute

Chris Olson - SunPS Chrisf.Olson at Sun.COM
Tue Nov 26 11:58:29 PST 2002

> Bingo. Religeon is a system of beliefs. In many instances culture and 
> religeon are indistinguishable(ie:the jewish faith not eating pork. 
> Religeous? Cultural? Both.). Keep in mind that philosophy and religeon are 
> two sides of the same coin. Nihilism, belief, faith, philosophy-----religeon 
> in a different form. 
> I love it when you make my point for me.  :)

I wasn't making it *for* you, per se.  I was simply
making the same argument that I hear about the subject
>from others.

However, what difference do you give for, say, belief in
a god/religion, and belief that the sky is blue?

Personaly, I usualy define religion in terms of faith, 
not belief.  A system of beliefs?  Possible, yes.  But that
only describes the nihilism part, not the agnostisism.
I don't "believe" that I don't know; I just don't know, and
am not so arrogant (geesh, did *I* say that?!?) to think that
I know, hands down, what's going on.

I like nihilism because, ultimately, I think the human race
doesn't matter diddly-squat to the universe at large, and only
our own mortality dictates we believe otherwise.  However, I'm
still in the Militant Agnostic camp, and until I can't find anyone
with whom I can debate such topics in a calm, rationalized manner,
I'll stick with that, and only be partialy nihilistic...

(and I won't get into my ex's view of "Every thought, feeling,
idea, concept, sense, etc., is all a product of chemical reactions
in our brain, and it's perfectly possible that no one is in the
universe except me"...  It's a little too much...:)
