> > 1) Aliera is impetuous, but not stupid, and throughout the book it's >implied > > that she understands her father's plan. If she thought Mario might try >to > > kill the Emperor, wouldn't she have contacted him and told him? Even if >the > > prisons *are* guarded against psionics, she had time beforehand. > >Hmm.. I doesn't make since that she would intentionally foul things up >like this, but I'm still think she might be the reason why Mario made >his second attempt. Then I have to ask you *why* you think it. There's no evidence that Aliera /asked/ Mario to kill the Emperor. She's still part of the reason, however, since he was angry at the Emperor for arresting her. Since Paarfi writes like this was his primary motivation, either Paarfi is wrong, or Mario didn't decide to kill the Emperor until after his conversation with Khaavren. Why, if Aliera asked Mario to kill Tortaalik, did she not contact Adron? >When Aliera is helping Mario escape, she mentions that she has a way >Mario can repay her for her help. I think this comes down to what you >think she means. I could easily mean that she either wanted sex from >him, or wanted him to really kill the Emperor. I lean towards the >latter as she mentioned how splendid an idea she thought killing the >Emperor would be, and IIRC seems almost disappointed when Mario says he >isn't intending to strike again. So, in other words, you think that Aliera asked him to kill the Emperor, and Mario just undertook the matter with renewed determination after he learned of her arrest? This is possible, I suppose, but it makes me wonder why, if his lady-love had asked him a favor, he would go about hunting down Dunaan before doing what she wished. He seemed to think Aliera was the sun in the sky. Maybe it really *was* sex. I hope so -- Mario deserves it, for being so cute. >Now, assuming Aliera did ask Mario to make a second attempt, it is quite >possible that he was heading home to devise a plan to attack the >Emperor, but instead had the idea that lead to the plan while on his way >home. True, it's possible, but I still see no evidence to believe it. >To play the devil's advocate though, it's also likely that he wasn't >intending to kill the Emperor again, but as soon as he figured out how >he could, he decided to do it as a gift for his love, and possibly as a >way to bring him notorioty within the Jhereg. I don't think that Mario's reasons were so dispassionate -- remember that when he faces Tortaalik, he has an expression of ferocity. Mario is a Jhereg, and killing is business, except in this case. Why? Because Tortaalik was going to execute Aliera, who he loves. -Snapdragon (Spending too much time on the computer while she should be marinating mushrooms.) _________________________________________________________________ Senaste nytt från motormarknaden http://motor.msn.se/