
Domino's Lute

Wed Nov 27 16:26:54 PST 2002

At 05:41 PM 11/26/2002 -0600, Mia McDavid wrote:
>The term I use is 'belief' and 'believer.'  I tend to dislike 'religious' 
>because it is often identified with outward show and trappings as opposed 
>to really trying to walk the walk.
>Of course, I contend that an atheist "believes" in the absence of God 
>(unlike a blue sky, not easily provable).  So, we're no farther forrader, 
>are we?  'Faith' and 'faithful', same problem.  DDB expresses great faith 
>in his atheistic worldview.
>What about 'mystic?'  What we're really looking for, I think, is the 
>antonym to 'materialist.'

Actually, the antonym to materialist is idealist.  It revolves around the 
question: Can an idea exist before there is a brain to think it?  God is an 
idea.  Theists believe that God exists independently of man--that is, even 
if no one believed, there would still be a god.