
Straw Poll about "Reply-to" (was: Damiano's Lute)

Thu Nov 28 23:46:00 PST 2002

On Thu, Nov 28, 2002 at 10:20:53PM -0500, Thomas Yan <tyan at twcny.rr.com> wrote:
> 1. Have you accidentally sent a private reply instead of posting to
>    the list?

Not on this list.

> 1'. Have you accidentally posted to the list instead of sending a
>     private reply?


> 2. Have you received an accidental private reply that was meant to go
>    to the list?


> 3. When you get a message that was sent to you instead of the list, do
>    you feel obliged to query the sender to ask him or her if it was
>    meant to private instead of to the list?

Sometimes it's obvious from context.

> 4. Has the Reply-To behavior of this list caused you confusion when
>    posting to other mailing lists, perhaps even causing you to
>    accidentally send a private e-mail instead of posting or vice
>    versa?


> 5. How do you feel about the Reply-To behavior of this list?
>    Do you
>    + love it
>    + like it
>    + don't much care
>    + dislike it
>    + hate it
>    + hate it, Hate It, HATE IT!

I'm fine either way.  Let me add some additional comments:

>From a technical perspective, this list is set up in the 
technically-correct way.  Email clients can interpret 
this setup in a more flexible manner, and offer more power to 
their users this way.  It's also very convenient not to need to 
hunt for a user's address when trying to send private mail.

However, from a usability standpoint, Reply-To is clearly 
superior for the purposes of a discussion list.  People don't 
want to have to delete recipients by hand (and many mail clients 
can't do it automatically).  They want a single key to respond to 
the message, and they want that response to go back out in the 
same medium that it arrived.  Switching from public to private 
response should require extra work, since that is not the default 

Certainly the exact tradeoff varies by the list.  Some lists are 
more focused on direct responses, but this is a high-traffic 
discussion forum, and the default should be a public response; 
the only way to implement that reliably is Reply-To at present.

When I make my own lists (I run several), I pick whether to alter 
reply-to settings on a list-by-list basis.  I have lists that 
work both ways.  When I do set up reply-to, I have to hold my 
nose on the technical side, but it's worth it for the usability.

All that said, it's DDB's list, and he is benevolent dictator.
I don't have a gripe with however he wants to run it in this 
regard.  (Now, the monthly subscriber list postings are another 

Matthew Hunter (matthew at infodancer.org)
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