Steven Brust <skzb at> wrote: Let's not say everyone. Let us speak of someone who says, "I believe. I believe purely on faith." Now, would you say that this person, on this subject, is thinking? <chuckles> Steve, oh light of my life, oh reason for my existence, when you have FULLY immersed yourself in some religion besides Atheism, you can imply to me that someone who is believing on faith in *A* subject ( the implied subject is a religion) isn't thinking. Go get "saved", start a meditation group in Yoga or start practicing witchcraft. When you have done so...and at least given the full attempt to practice something OTHER than what you have originally been taught...and I am talking a FULL, practice, TRY, THEN come talk to me about how believing on faith in *A* subject ( implying religion) is not thinking. Peace and Love, Caliann *Owned and Operated by the Grand Poohbah Cheese of the Universe* "Offense theives. -- they take it when it isn't offered." --Tom Digby --------------------------------- Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now