
The Great Debate....to DDB

Fri Nov 29 03:21:12 PST 2002

At 03:15 AM 11/29/2002 -0800, Caliann the Elf wrote:

>  Steven Brust <skzb at dreamcafe.com> wrote:
>Let's not say everyone. Let us speak of someone who says, "I believe. I
>believe purely on faith." Now, would you say that this person, on this
>subject, is thinking?
><chuckles>  Steve, oh light of my life, oh reason for my existence, when 
>you have FULLY immersed yourself in some religion besides Atheism, you can 
>imply to me that someone who is believing on faith in *A* subject ( the 
>implied subject is a religion) isn't thinking.
>Go get "saved", start a meditation group in Yoga or start practicing 
>witchcraft.  When you have done so...and at least given the full attempt 
>to practice something OTHER than what you have originally been 
>taught...and I am talking a FULL immersion...study, practice, TRY, THEN 
>come talk to me about how believing on faith in *A* subject ( implying 
>religion) is not thinking.

Flame of my life, soul of my heart, supreme olive of my orchard, &tc &tc: 

There is discussion going on about how the "reply" function ought to work 
on this listgroup.

I am in favor of keeping it as it is.

Why?  Because, even though the other way of doing it (reply goes to the 
list, not the person) is more convenient, I have been told that there are 
hidden dangers involving potential hacking and suchlike to doing it 
that.  Do I know this is true?  No, but I have *faith* in DDB, who told me, 
and...I BELIEVE!

This is faith.

On this subject, I am NOT thinking.  I am accepting an answer on faith.

My treatment of religion tends to be different, but I can accept that 
others chose faith rather than reason as an approach to this subject.

And I can accept that DDB thinks doing so is an error.