> -----Original Message----- > From: Rick Castello [mailto:rick at 404.978.org] > Sent: Friday, November 29, 2002 1:03 PM > To: dragaera at dragaera.info > Subject: RE: Straw Poll about Reply-to > Did DDB give any inclination that the reply-to behavior of the > list would change at all depending on this impromptu poll? > > His box, his rules, as far as I'm concerned. > If the discussion is compelling enough, perhaps people will > start using smarter mail clients, or (gasp!) learn/remember > the way the list works. Actually, that's a questionable premise, since the intention of a list is to have _discussion_. Any barriers to discussion (technical or otherwise), should be regarded as a problem. Including the list owner(s). :) :) More likely, we'll move to a different list owner. :)