
The Religion Debate

David Dyer-Bennet dd-b at dd-b.net
Fri Nov 29 20:54:51 PST 2002

"Gametech" <voltronalpha at hotmail.com> writes:

> Religions :
> 1 aBelief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as
> creator and governor of the universe.
>    bA personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and
> worship.
> 2 The life or condition of a person in a religious order.
> 3 A set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a
> spiritual leader.
> 4 A cause, principle, or activity pursued with zeal or conscientious
> devotion.
> I'd use example 4 to best describe the broad scope of religions, which IN
> *no* way asserts the existence of a non-material
> world and I'd do so because some religions do not assert the supernatural,
> for benefit below is zeal and conscientious.

This definition exists to cover phrases like "a religious devotion to
fine wine", and has nothing to do with the sort of religion we're

> zeal n.
> Enthusiastic devotion to a cause, ideal, or goal and tireless diligence in
> its furtherance. See Synonyms at passion
> conscientious adj.
> 1. Guided by or in accordance with the dictates of conscience; principled: a
> conscientious decision to speak out about injustice.
> 2. Thorough and assiduous: a conscientious worker; a conscientious effort to
> comply with the regulations.
> I'd say that the Atheists whom are part of an atheist organization are by
> that very nature religious.

Not any more than members of a wine-tasting club.
David Dyer-Bennet, dd-b at dd-b.net  /  http://www.dd-b.net/dd-b/
 John Dyer-Bennet 1915-2002 Memorial Site http://john.dyer-bennet.net
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