David Dyer-Bennet writes: On the other hand, if people do the same thing repeatedly for an extended span of time, and the people and hierarchy of the religion condone or support the action, it seems fair to actually blame the religion -- even if there are readings of their scripture that deny the action. Seeking out and burning heretics, for example; that was done widely enough, for long enough, with broad enough support, that I think it's quite fair to blame Chrstianity for it. It's quite fair to blame the Christian hierarchy of the time for it. To put the fault of those actions on "Christianity" is specious; what is "Christianity"? The current batch of cardinals + Pope in the Vatican? All current Christians? What about events that occurred before religious schisms? Are Protestants to be blamed for events perpetrated by the Catholic Church before Martin Luther published the 95 Theses? Frankly, all you're showing here is prejudice, which you justify by saying, hey, i've had religion thrown in my face for almost 50 years, so it's OK for me to lower myself to their level. And i think you should be above that sort of stuff, as the "thinking" sort of fellow you claim to be. rone -- New from the makers of Li'l Swimmers: Li'l Eaters. Edible underwear that looks just like Mommy's and Daddy's! - Kibo