
The Great Debate....to DDB

definitely what rone at ennui.org
Sat Nov 30 11:08:16 PST 2002

David Dyer-Bennet writes:
  Looks like you're trying to construct a scenario where *nothing* could
  *ever* be blamed on the religion itself.  I find that an unacceptable
  outcome -- there must be at least a theoretical possibility.

Why, exactly, MUST there be such a theoretical possibility?

  > Frankly, all you're showing here is prejudice, which you justify by
  > saying, hey, i've had religion thrown in my face for almost 50 years,
  > so it's OK for me to lower myself to their level.  And i think you
  > should be above that sort of stuff, as the "thinking" sort of fellow
  > you claim to be.
  Thank you for your thoughtful and perceptive input on this issue.

You're welcome.

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