
Straw Poll about "Reply-to" (was: Damiano's Lute)

Mark A Mandel mam at theworld.com
Sat Nov 30 14:29:00 PST 2002

On Fri, 29 Nov 2002, James and Mary Burbidge wrote:

#Mark A Mandel wrote:
#> I have a slow dialup connection, so I do my email and newsgroups through
#> a tty-emulation text-only connection, using pine and tin.
#The obvious solution is to drop pine and tin and use emacs as a mail
#client (emacs uses proper termcap updating, so it shouldn't flood your
#connection).  Then you can do a one-time adjustment via elisp for
#replying to this list and you're away free.

Well, that might work. I'm (re)learning emacs anyway. I'll try it down
at the office.

But I'm semi-computergeekish already, and emacs is *NOTHING* like
user-friendly. Well... I've heard it said that "Unix is user-friendly,
for certain very special values of 'user'." This doesn't answer the
underlying question of making the list work well for anyone who has
the basic requirements of
 - interest in the topic and
 - email access

#Along the lines of the religion thread: M-x all-hail-emacs.

Yes, well...

-- Mark A. Mandel