
The Great Debate....to DDB

David Silberstein davids at kithrup.com
Sun Dec 1 15:11:16 PST 2002

On Sun, 1 Dec 2002, Mia McDavid wrote:

>Irritatingly, it can.  That is, if I believe that God is the source
>of all that is good, and that he/she loves us, then I believe that
>nothing that is hateful or evil originates with God, but with the
>sinful desires of people.

> Everything that is good, comes from God.  Everything that is evil,
>comes from our wills opposing God.

Mm.  Problem-of-evil time in your model:  How do explain natural
disasters that kill and maim thousands?  How do you explain disease
(that doesn't just kill, but kills as slow torture)?  How about
genetic disease (that doesn't just kill slowly, but kills an innocent
child slowly)? 

Or did you say that the natural world isn't subject to the will of
God, and therefore God can't be blamed?  Oddly enough, that's the way
Bujold's Chalion seems to work.  Interesting theology.