
The Great Debate....to DDB

Sun Dec 1 23:47:15 PST 2002

Mia McDavid said...

> Scott wrote:
> If it's not accountable for the misery commited in it's name, then
it can't
> take credit for the good things commited in it's name.
>  >
> Irritatingly, it can.  That is, if I believe that God is the source
> all that is good, and that he/she loves us, then I believe that
> that is hateful or evil originates with God, but with the sinful
> of people.
> Everything that is good, comes from God.  Everything that is evil,
> from our wills opposing God.
> You want to blame "religion" for bad things done in the name of God.
> No, I blame *people* for bad things done in the name of God, and I
> to God the credit for all the good things done in God's name.

It's interesting to note that while many people have mentioned that
the OT should not be used because many of it's concepts are no longer
relevent I find it interesting that many Christians feel that large
parts of the NT are equally so.

If good stuff happens then its God's fault. But if bad stuff happens
then that's people's fault.

Used to be that when bad stuff happened it was Satan's fault. Yet he
seems to have been largely dropped out of the picture. What's the
point of "renouncing Satan and all his works" if people no longer
think that the bad stuff is his fault any more?

> I know that couldn't be more obnoxious as a position to take in an
> argument, but it does happen to be what I believe.

(You said it, I didn't)
Which I suppose is what this argument boils down to...

No one so far on this list has shown any sign that the discussion has
in any way altered their concept / belief / perception / understanding
/ faith / idea / adherence to whether or not anything supernatural
(much less gods singular or plural) even exists.

In fact a couple of people have become rather hot under the collar.


That's some weather we're having isn't it?

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handle stress and caffeine.
Costumier & Reprobate