
The Great Debate....to DDB

Mon Dec 2 00:55:31 PST 2002

 Damien Sullivan <phoenix at ugcs.caltech.edu> wrote: 

The Dutch did take in the Spanish middle class -- I mean, Jews -- in 1492, for
that that's worth. Going back aways I recall some level of tolerance in the
Roman Empire, apart from Christians, and I'm wondering about China. Religious
tolerance per se seems to have existed elsewhere, basically wherever religious
persecution hadn't been invented et. Not that there weren't other nasty bits,
like slavery.



Funny thing is that the most religeously tolerant people of the Dark and Middle ages were (wait for it):


The Muslims.


Weird but true, when Muslims captured an area, they were very restrained and very tolerant.  They did not try to wipe out the other religions.  Also, looting, rapine and destruction by their armies were the lowest of any at that time period.


They were also the most tolerant and enlightened toward women at that time.  Female slaves could own property, and many did.  In the Christian world, even female nobility could not own property in their own name. (Unless they were the ruling monarch, then the rules were bent a bit)


It's odd how the religion that 700 hundred years ago was the height of tolerance, learning and arts should have sunk so low today.





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