On Mon, 2 Dec 2002 14:37:15 -0800 (PST), David Silberstein <davids at kithrup.com> wrote: >Of course, only agnosticism is actually *reasonable*. Well, I'd change "only" to "at most" or "not even" :<) Regardless of where on the spectrum presented in these columns one sits, one is still faced with questions like Should I support slavery? Should I really support it but pretend to condemn it. Should I support Dean Swift's modest proposal? Should I support berth (sic) control? Should (a variety of other topics which you can supply but which I omitted out of consideration for any net nannies) Should I condemn all violence in any form? If not, are there levels of condemnable violence and what are they? Should I hide my head in the sand on these issues as much as possible?