
Blonde or golden (spoilers)

Ruhlen, Rachel Louise (UMC-Student) RuhlenR at missouri.edu
Fri Dec 6 06:51:18 PST 2002

Spoiler space
Vlad said Zerika has golden hair "and if I'd meant blonde, I would have
said blonde". Paarfi says "Zithra" has blonde hair. This seemingly small
detail has already led to a big argument this morning (hey, it still
beats arguing over money or housework!) So I thought it might provoke
some discussion here. Here's my thought (before he has a chance to get
his opinion out):
In the army, you can have brown, blonde, red, or black hair. Most hair
is brown. People who claim to have blonde hair will often be listed as
brown. Similarly, eyes are either blue or brown. Green eyes are blue,
hazel eyes are brown. In other words, the army is not interested in
nuances. And neither is Paarfi.
Or, Paarfi said "blonde" in an attempt to disguise the fact that Zithra
is Zerika, an attempt that did not fool me at all (although it fooled my
husband, which is why this led to an argument, although if he'd just
admit that I'm much smarter than he is, it wouldn't have :).
Or possibly, Phoenix use sorcery to color their hair golden, and without
sorcery they are merely blonde, which is a rare color anyway for
Dragaeran hair except for those of the House of Phoenix.