
Paths of the Dead *spoilers*

Gaertk at aol.com Gaertk at aol.com
Sun Dec 8 08:28:04 PST 2002

In a message dated 12/8/2002 12:03:08 AM Eastern Standard 
Time, Jag <agrajag at dragaera.net> writes:

> I think the tampering did happen and is there to explain 
> how teleportation and mental contact are so much easier. 
> When did Verra say she didn't think it was tampered?

*flipping through Phoenix to find the place.. not where I
expected it...*

_Phoenix_, p. 117:
: Sorecery was all but impossible then, so that only the most
: skilled could perform the simplest spells.  Conversely,
: this skill was passed on and retained, and taught to those
: whose interest ran in that direction.  What was the result?
: Now, when the Orb is back, sorcery has grown so strong from
: the new skills that what was incoceivable before the 
: Interregnum, and impossible during it, is now commonplace.

Now that I've re-read it, she doesn't actually deny any
tampering.  And of course, this is the same page where she
tells us the Interregnum lasted 497 years....

Coincidentally, I've also been re-reading page 117 of 
_Issola_ concerning Verra's family.
