
Some Questions *SPOILERS*

definitely what rone at ennui.org
Mon Dec 9 01:05:19 PST 2002


Gaertk at aol.com writes:
  - How was Zerika born and how did her parents die?
  Still wondering.

In PotD, it's explained that Vernoi died in Dragaera City, and that
Loudin died in childbirth.
  - Who is the current Warlord?
  Piro?  Kana?  Kytraan?  Roanna?  Ibronka?

Isn't the Warlord always a Dragon?  That would preclude all except
Kana and Kytraan, and i doubt Kana would be in Zerika's good graces
after this is all said and done that he would be chosen Warlord.  And
yet i suspect Kytraan will not be Warlord, either; there's no
indication that he would be fit for the job.

  - Why does the Orb's return make the world vulnerable to
  the Jenoine?  I thought the Orb prevented them from 

It probably lets them know that it was gone all this time, so that its
return probably will indicate it is a vulnerable time.
  - Why are Ibronka and Roanna important?

Because they're young, hot babes.  Duh.  
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