
Morrolan PoTD SPOILER!!

Ruhlen, Rachel Louise (UMC-Student) RuhlenR at missouri.edu
Mon Dec 9 10:51:48 PST 2002

> -----Original Message-----
> From: T J [mailto:randomhonky at hotmail.com] 
> Sent: Sunday, December 08, 2002 11:31 PM
> To: dragaera at dragaera.info
> Subject: Morrolan PoTD SPOILER!!
> I have been thinking about morrolans lack of an appearence at 
> the top of 
> deathsgate falls. It has occured ot my, however, that even in 
> his sparse 
> recollection fo the situation to vlad the story falls apart. 
> He tells vlad 
> he knows from xperience that sorcery wont work that close to 
> deathsgate 
> falls because he was there, yadda yadda yadda. Mayhaps i have 
> forgotten, or 
> missed, something but wouldnt sorcery have been unaccesable 
> to him at the 
> time given that he was helping as she made her descent and had yet to 
> recover he orb. Also, it seems to me given the timeframe of 
> PoTD he wouldnt 
> have known what sorcery was at that time irregardless.

Ooo! Now I immediately fail to follow my own advice and put out a
suggestion: she went there twice. But why? How about:
"Damn it, Verra, you have got to fix this stupid Orb."
Nah, that doesn't work, because I think he specifies to Vlad that his
fighting off brigands occurred specifically while she was going there to
retrieve the Orb. 
Sorcery isn't impossible during the Interregnum, just very difficult.
(the question of the mechanisms of sorcery is a whole different issue.)
Still, it seems odd he would conclude it doesn't work now that it's easy
elsewhere, when his experience was from when it was difficult elsewhere.
