
Paths of the Dead *spoilers*

Joshua Kronengold mneme at io.com
Tue Dec 10 09:47:35 PST 2002

Jag writes:
>On Fri, 2002-12-06 at 18:38, H. T. wrote:
>> The following will provide spoiler space:
>> <space>
>> Well kiddies what do you think?
>Very good.  Unfortunately it was obviously written for all three volumes
>to be handled as a whole, so I'm sitting here waiting for the next
>installment so that I can see how certain plot threads end.

Well, there is that...though it was intended to provide nice
cliffhangers between volumes, too.

>> Will Morrolan ever reach his ancestral home lands?
>This is rhetorical, right?
>> Will Sethra be forced to fight the Jenoine at Dzur Mountain?
>At one point or another, almost certainly.

Tune in, next time, next book. :)

>> Will Kana oppose Zerika’s right to the throne even though she carries the 
>> orb?
>Interesting question.  I'm betting his ego's been boosted enough by this
>point that he will.  Afterall, he is a dragon, and we know the Keiron
>and Adron both tried to take the Orb when they shouldn't.

It's actually an interesting question -- the sub-king (or rather,
surintendant), Foquet, in VdB, turned outwardly to Louis once Louis
made showed his power...but then worked against him at the same time,
in order to avoid ruin.  Which may, or may not have bearing in Parfi's

>> What will become of our dear friend Pel, will he turn like a Yendi
>> from Kana and follow Zerika, or will he just like a Yendi defy the
>> Empire? What are his true intentions?

>I'd hate to see the four friends end up on opposite sides. 
>Unfortunately I've never read any of Dumas' works.  If there's anyone
>who has, want to make a guess based on them (specifically the three

-Do- read Dumas' works; they're amazing.

I haven't gotten to the end of it, but through substantial periods of
VdB, D'Artagnan (Khaavren, though Khaavren in VoA also takes on a lot
of aspects of Athos, while Aerich takes on a lot of D'Artagnan's
aspects) and Aramis (Pel) are quite firmly on opposite sides;
D'Artagnan loyally serving Louis XIV, and Aramis opposing him and
playing power games.  What results in both Brust and Dumas are a
mystery to me, though one is much more accessable than the other.

>> What will Aerich’s role play, will he make up his mind between what he 
>> believes is right and what is wrong?
>Must have missed something.  I didn't realize he was confused on that

Me too.  Aerich seems to know quite well that the true empire is
right, and the false one wrong.

>I would think so.  However, there's an interesting question I've always
>had.  How does the Orb know who is a citizen of the empire?  Will all of
>the old citizen's immediately get access to the Orb?  Or will that only
>happen once they give their allegience to Zerika?

One would think the latter -- this is a fresh "new" orb, and the
Empress controls it, not the populace.

     Joshua Kronengold (mneme at io.com) "I've been teaching |\      _,,,--,,_  ,)
--^--him...to live, to breathe, to walk, to sample the   /,`.-'`'   -,  ;-;;'  
  /\\joy on each road, and the sorrow at each turning.   |,4-  ) )-,_ ) /\     
/-\\\I'm sorry if I kept him out too late"--Vlad Taltos '---''(_/--' (_/-'