
Artificial release dates and online publishing

Wed Dec 11 07:23:22 PST 2002

>Wotc is one of the few table top game companies that has a patent, they 
>patented the idea of a 'collectible card game'
>Which clearly is assinine, children made a game of trading cards long 
>obsure rules were added to the mix.

Here's how rumors start. WotC did not patent 'collectible card games.' 
Richard Garfield, the creator of Magic: the Gathering (the first true CCG), 
got a patent on the act of 'tapping,' turning a card 90 degrees clockwise to 
act as a memory marker that it had been used. He 'gave' his patent to WotC, 
so they reap the benefits. Note that Dr. Garfield is no longer an employee 
at WotC: he's a freelance game designer.

Of course, even an avid gamer such as myself will admit it's kind of 
ridiculous to get a patent on something like that...


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