
Artificial release dates and online publishing

Wed Dec 11 10:20:49 PST 2002

On Wed, Dec 11, 2002 at 12:34:37PM -0500, Scott Ingram <singram at videotron.ca> wrote:
> Are there exceptions? Are there extreme cases (such as your memory copying
> machine and AIDS drugs). Yes, there are always extreme cases and exceptions.
> But you can't base laws on *exceptions* and *extreme cases*.  Not every
> patent is a matter of life or death.  And certainly, artwork and music in
> games is not a matter of life or death.

These aren't really exceptions.  They're just good propaganda.  
Copyright law takes into account commercial vs non-commercial 
use, so you could probably get away with taking your gargoyle 
suit to the Louvre and then showing your friends the tape.  AIDS 
drugs fall under the category of "if you want people to produce 
the work, it must be possible to make a profit".  Third-World 
governments with AIDS epidemics don't want to pay the market 
price for AIDS drugs, because they really can't afford to, 
but dying humans makes good PR for begging.  We can't all drive 
fancy cars, either...

Matthew Hunter (matthew at infodancer.org)
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