
Artificial release dates and online publishing

definitely what rone at ennui.org
Wed Dec 11 15:35:40 PST 2002

Gametech writes:
  > Seriously, you are making the flimsiest arguments, and i could
  > probably spend all week going over all of the (wholly off-topic) stuff
  > you've sent to the list.  You should drop this before you run out of
  > feet to insert in your mouth.
  I very nearly interpret your statement as a threat

Well, just so i may clear up your doubt, a threat would be, "Shut up
before i rip off your arm and beat you about the head with it."  Hope
this helps!

  And your argument is that you don't like what I said and clearly
  I've got to stop communicating to please *you* I've noted your
  opinion, however I'm not afraid to make a fool out of myself, so if
  it *pleases* you by all means attack my statements.
It does not please me for the simple reason that this doesn't belong
on the list.  It also does not please me because you are clearly very
smug in your belief that you can do whatever the hell you want, so any
rebuttal would fall on deaf ears.

If you want to steal, steal, but don't pretend you're entitled to it.

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