Chris Olson - SunPS writes: Reading PotD, I noticed a word used three times (maybe more, but I don't think so) that Brust doesn't use often. The word was "ennui". I have no comment at this time. Is it just me, or does Brust seem to have a tendency to use an unusual word (unusual, at least, in his own writing) every book or so? I tend to do that when i talk. Right now my unusual word is "clown". I seem to be using it a lot. It'll fade away in another month or two. In another few months after that, i'll pick up some other word and use it unusually often. However, it might be fun to go through Steven's oeuvre and see what we can find. rone -- New from the makers of Li'l Swimmers: Li'l Eaters. Edible underwear that looks just like Mommy's and Daddy's! - Kibo