On Mon, Dec 16, 2002 at 09:30:06AM -0500, Casey Rousseau <casey at trinityhartford.org> wrote: > Erik Berman wrote: > > "Fellowship of the Rings" (call it what you will, but I can't say that > > it is a pale reflection of the novel) > > FotR is a great flick. I haven't yet seen the longer edition that's on the > Platinum edition DVD. It may add back the one major character (Tom > Bombadil) and two or three chapters that were not in the theatrical release, > but this was much closer to the text than Dune. Tom Bombadil does not come back; his sequence is rather pointless and the movie is already 4 hours long, so I don't blame them. > Anyway, psionics are not easy to convey well on the screen. Not nearly as > easy as simply putting the text in italics. The obvious way would be to understand how psionics are being used as an analog, rather than to directly map them. Remember, what Dragaera calls "psionics", we call "cell phones"... -- Matthew Hunter (matthew at infodancer.org) Public Key: http://matthew.infodancer.org/public_key.txt Homepage: http://matthew.infodancer.org/index.jsp Politics: http://www.triggerfinger.org/index.jsp