
I just had a thought

Mon Dec 16 09:09:56 PST 2002

Casey Rousseau wrote:
> Erik Berman wrote:
>> I'm not sure if some of the books I'll name count as "good Books" but
>> I've found a few.
> [snipping movie-book combos I haven't read and watched]
>> "Dune"  (it's old, it's long, but it has Patrick Stewart, Sting, and
>> a host of excellent actors)
> I'd agree that it was a great film, but it was clearly an adaptation
> and as others have said, the weapons used by the Fremen under Paul's
> command were a bit surprising.
>> "Fellowship of the Rings" (call it what you will, but I can't say
>> that it is a pale reflection of the novel)
> FotR is a great flick.  I haven't yet seen the longer edition that's
> on the Platinum edition DVD.  It may add back the one major character
> (Tom Bombadil) and two or three chapters that were not in the
> theatrical release, but this was much closer to the text than Dune.
> The problems that both of these movies had to overcome is that there
> is a lot of the text that is not conversation.  Jhereg would have a
> much shorter plot summary than either one, but also much less
> material that could be excised.  All the internal narration from Vlad
> needs to be there.  How do you handle that on the screen?  You can
> perhaps use a framing device that allows Vlad to be telling the story
> to our historian, but...
> Anyway, psionics are not easy to convey well on the screen.  Not
> nearly as easy as simply putting the text in italics.

Have you ever seen Ghost in the Shell? It's animated but it was a feature
length film and was released in theatres, and is a brilliant piece of art
(enough rambling). They use technology to communicate directly brain to
brain and it's shot well, that is If you see only one person and hear two
voices (of people you know aren't standing next to each other) you'll get
the idea, and don't forget it is often easy to tell by the facial expression
of someone that they are talking 'psionically'