David Dyer-Bennet wrote: > > Erik Berman <AkodoBob at sbcglobal.net> writes: > > > On Sunday, December 15, 2002, at 11:48 PM, David Dyer-Bennet wrote: > > > > > Do you really *want* it to happen? Movies made from good books are > > > essentially always pale reflections of the original *at best* -- often > > > they're abominations. Original movies, or movies from shorter > > > originals, are much more interesting. > > > > > I'm not sure if some of the books I'll name count as "good Books" but > > I've found a few. > > [...] > On the other hand, I actually have watched the movie of _The Princess > Bride_ more often than I've read the book. I dunno, I don't *like* > the dark side of that book very much, and they ripped it out for the > movie. Then again the author was primarily a screen-writer, and he > got to do the screenplay of his book, so that story got favorable > terms not offered to most other stories. > I'll mention _Blade Runner_ because I consider it a success as a movie on all levels I can name. Plot, dialogue, camera work, sound, soundtrack, acting, and pacing. It's a superlative film. It has little to do with the original novel, but it is a masterful work of art.