
Where did you begin?

Chris Olson - SunPS Chrisf.Olson at Sun.COM
Wed Dec 18 09:28:36 PST 2002

> Which skzb book did you start with?

I believe it was either Yendi or Jhereg; I can't
recall.  My ex handed one to me, figuring that I'd
get a kick out of them.

I was hooked from then on out.  I blame this, for the
most part, on SKZB; and, in part, on my ex...

It was a year or two later that I started gobbling every
Brust book in sight, and thrusting them upon friends and
relatives (in fact, I sent some with my mother when she
went to South America, and she had to leave a couple behind
because she was carrying too much.  So after she read them,
she'd leave them in the hotel lobby.  I'm thinking some poor,
unsuspecting person in Peru is now hopelessly addicted to
Brust's work...:).


"So farewell hope, and with hope, farewell fear,
 Farewell remorse!  All good to me is lost;
 Evil, be thou my Good"
	- John Milton - 'Paradise Lost'