
New Dragaera Timeline is up (fwd)

Mark A Mandel mam at theworld.com
Fri Dec 27 15:05:58 PST 2002

Forwarded at the sender's request.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 23 Dec 2002 21:44:55 -0500 (EST)
From: Alexx S Kay <alexx at theworld.com>
To: Steven Brust <skzb at dreamcafe.com>, Mark Mandel <mam at theworld.com>
Subject: New Dragaera Timeline is up

The latest revision of my Dragaeran Timeline is online at:

It includes information from _The Paths of the Dead_, as well as numerous
corrections, additions, and clarifications to material gathered from other
books.  Most notably changed are the section on the second Dragon/Jhereg
War (circa 440 BI), the Interregnum period itself (obviously), and the
period of Paarfi's writings.  Oh, and a handwave to cover the infamous
"Stony's death" problem, from Orca.

Comments, questions, and corrections are all encouraged!

[Oh, and could one of you forwad this to the Dragaera mailing list?
I've only recently discovered it, and haven't yet managed to actually
get myself *on* it yet...]


Alexx Kay
Opinions expressed are my own and not necessarily those of my employers
alexx at world.std.com
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125-"A sign labeled 'pit'?  I walk up to it."