> Chris, you are evil... some of us are *supposed* to look like we're working > here. *big grin* What? Evil? Me? Um ... well, perhaps. Just a leetle evil...<evil grin> > ~ Holly ~ (Who acted like this street pusher to her brother that lives in > Scotland today... "Hey, do like fantasy? No? Well I know you like good > books, you should really read this author... no, I'm serious, I'll ship you > out one of his books today... okay, okay, I understand you have enough to > read, but trust me, it won't hurt you, just give it a try, come on, just > once... ahhh, come on"... strange sick world we live in *grinning wildly*) Hey, now! By Steve's own words, he doesn't write fantasy, he writes "Elfy-welfy Dragon and Unicorn Books". (Ok, I'm remembering this one, so if I'm off, well, you'd have to find me before you could beat me!!;) Chris (Who's played "Brust-Pusher" on more than one occasion, and will do so until he has raised, by force, the intelligence level of the American gene pool....)