> Conversation starter: What's your favorite quote from a Brust book? Favorite? Ack! Nope, there's no way I could choose a favorite among all of them. I suppose, if I wished, I could go through and pick maybe a dozen. But it would take me awhile to trim the list down to twelve. I can give some of the ones I can think of off the top of my head, though.... (Warning: I'm away from my books, and so may get some of these wrong on some count or another...:) "Blind man's night is music to the deaf, and everyone has *two* paths, not one, whence comes tragedy and comedy, forsooth and damn straight, son." - _The Gypsy_ - Brust & Lindholm "Catnip? I didn't know it affected Jhereg." - Vlad "It doesn't." - Loiosh "Then why...." - Vlad "Bait!" - Loiosh - _Dragon_ (I think... Eep!;) "There is a similarity, if I may be permitted an excursion into tenuous metaphor, between...." - _Jhereg_ (Hence the lack of the rest of the quote...:) "Shut up, Loiosh" - Vlad "But I didn't...." - Loiosh "I know. It's what Sethra would call a preemptive strike." - Vlad - _Issola_? "Appropriate action means to advance your own goals, without unintentional harm to anyone else." - Lady Teldra - _Issola_ (This one is a for-sure...:) "Get thee behind me, Satan!" - Beelzebub - _To Reign in Hell_ There are more -- many, many more -- but I'll leave it at these. For now. ~Chris