>> From what surveys I've read, the readership of science fiction is >> overwhelmingly male, whereas fantasy works have a much larger female >> following. So the question is, why. >(snip) >> So... why? Why do women, especially young women, tend to avoid science >> fiction while embracing fantasy? > Though I'm way behind date-wise and catching up with my mail, I felt compelled to comment on this one. :) Speaking for myself, growing up, I was a big reader of Heinlein juveniles, but the main characters were always boys, at least to my recollection and seemed geared *towards* boys. Then I discovered later, Silverberg, Clarke, Asimov, Bradbury, Zelazny. Personally, I love 'em all. However, to me, "hard" science fiction was either very technical, and so made you have to *think* while reading ("Half-Life" comes to mind as a recent example) or really very male-oriented in view. Generally, I forgive this, since authors are only human, after all. Zelazny, for example, had very poor female characters as a rule. Then again, I find female authors fall into a similar trap with their male characters. I guess it evens out. :) But in general, I personally prefer fantasy or easy science-fiction because I read for pleasure and relaxation. Having to *work* to read a story and follow the technical aspects and understand it, while enjoyable, is in the end, *work*. :) As life grows more stressful, I find I seek out more fun reading than things that I have to work to understand. Not that it's beyond my ability, mind you, it's just a mind-set one has to get into, and that can be difficult when you're tired. In that regard, I really have to say that I think one of the many reasons I like Brusts' writings is that he treats his characters as well, people. Not a male or a female, just people. It's refreshing. I remember when I was joining up for a live action come as whatever you want kind of game, friends were wanting to play this or that book character and I was rather stymied for any female character I could even remotely want to be from any book. All the characters I *liked* were male. :) Well, I see I'm rambling so I'll stop now. :) Thanks for letting me share my thoughts. - Barbara Need a new email address that people can remember Check out the new EudoraMail at http://www.eudoramail.com