On Sat, 15 Feb 2003, Andrew Lias wrote: @> So... this suggests a new topic. What books/series have you been especially @> disappointed by and why? Mmm. Well, Weis and Hickman manage to severely mess up every series they return to; vide the last volumes of the Dragonlance and Darksword series. Similarly, they have a tendency to forget what they were doing between books in a series and randomly start killing people and/or adjusting everyones' personalities midstream. Piers Anthony has already been mentioned. I shall mention him again: Piers Anthony, who has maybe two or three books that he can write and just keeps producing them again and again. The second Thomas Covenant series; there was definitely good stuff in there, but if I see the words "argent" or "extravagant" one more time, I swear I am going to rip Donaldson's kidneys out. The Wraeththu books; someone told me Mr. Constantine was a decent writer. I'm not certain precisely what variety of crack that person was on, but it must be one that makes you blind to the use of exclamation points and question marks in the same sentence, the phrase "different to", multiple egregious omissions of commas, and similar things. Oh, yeah, and the complete lack of interesting stuff happening didn't really help either. And there's Jordan's Wheel of Time, which has also come up. This is what happens when you take a four-book series and stretch it out to three times that length. With sniffling and much adjusting of necklines. I have to stop. This is making my head hurt.