
SPOILER for _Dragon_...what's up with Vlad, again?

Mark A Mandel mam at theworld.com
Mon Feb 17 16:47:19 PST 2003

On Tue, 11 Feb 2003, David Silberstein wrote:

#the near future.  He had forgotten reading Niven's "World of Ptaavs",

Pta<vv>s. As I think I just said on another list, the
floating-gemination imp strikes again.

# "Genre fiction, as Terry Pratchett has pointed out, is a stew. You
#  take stuff out of the pot, you put stuff back. The stew bubbles on."
#   -- Neil Gaiman, trying to counter the notion that Harry Potter is a
#      "rip" of his own "Books of Magic" graphic novel.

And *that* metaphor comes straight out of /////////////////// can be
found in fuller expression in Tolkien's essay "On Fairy Stories".

-- Mark M.