
Speaking of Vlad and Kiera

Wed Feb 19 15:19:40 PST 2003

On Wed, Feb 19, 2003 at 05:31:14PM -0600, "Dr. Elmo" <dr.elmo at whiterose.org> wrote:
> I have a minor question, and perhaps this is addressed in a FAQ somewhere 
> that I can't find, but:
> This question involves complete spoilage for a revelation in ORCA.
> In TALTOS, Vlad is coerced into going to Dzur Mountain because Sethra needs 
> him for a job and she can't leave Dzur Mountain right then (because of an 
> impending Jenoine problem that we don't learn about until later).
> Vlad gets his courage up in part because while tasting Fenarian brandies, 
> Kiera comes into the bar and tells him that she's got his back.
> In ORCA, we learn that Kiera is a disguise for Sethra, a way for her to go 
> out and about and have a bit of fun without being (ominous drumbeat) Sethra 
> Lavode.
> This raises the obvious question: How can Kiera encourage Vlad in 
> Adrilankha when Sethra can't leave Dzur Mountain?
> 1. Kiera has an independent existence and Sethra can possess her remotely.
> 2. Kiera doesn't have an independent existence, but is just a spare body 
> that Sethra can remotely possess.
> 3. Kiera is a projected image (as the D&D spell) of Sethra.
> 4. SKZB made a mistake.
> 5. Other?

6. Sethra can't leave Dzur Mountain AS SETHRA.   If she leaves as 
Kiera, nobody knows she's gone.

7. Sethra was lying to manipulate Vlad.

Matthew Hunter (matthew at infodancer.org)
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