
The Sun...

circadian rhyme rone at ennui.org
Mon Mar 3 20:07:28 PST 2003

Gomi no Sensei writes:
  On Mon, 3 Mar 2003, Philip Hart wrote:
  > Hi, could someone post an appreciation of this book?  I read it without
  > getting anything out of it (well, the fairy tale aspect was sort of
  > interesting) and gave it to a friend who paints, figuring he might be able
  > to enjoy it.  In particular the scene about politics in art annoyed me,
  > and I was never much interested in the Monster.  Maybe I just need to be
  > proselytized.
  Same here. I got the feeling it was valuable for Brust to write, but I didn't
  really feel a connection to the ideas the book was trying to get across --
  my notions about art, especially political art, are rather different. I dug
  the heck out of the fairy tale, tho.
In my view, the book was an examination of subtleties in art and in
life, and how they affect communication and the big picture (yes, i
mean this both figuratively and, in the case of the Monster, literally).

"Alan Alda's all we are."
	- Kurt Cobain