On Tue, 4 Mar 2003, Ruhlen, Rachel Louise (UMC-Student) wrote: > >Remember in _PG_ where they go after Kathana and Paarfi launches into >a diatribe about this really rotten play he saw one time where the >main character NEVER APPEARED ON STAGE but it wasn't going to be like >that in THIS story? I think Mario is that character. Only, of course >since Paarfi would NEVER do that, he does appear in _PG_. Just not in >any of the Vlad novels. I thought that it was the famous Kathana herself that he was referring to? Re-reading that section, Paarfi doesn't say that the play was terrible (although perhaps he was about to, since he breaks off and says that it is not his intent to criticize the play) Mario couldn't have appeared in PG since he was only about 100 (certainly less than 500) when he appeared in 500YA. >Mario as Loiosh is a cute idea but I don't think so. Hasn't it been >established that Aliera has had "contact" with Mario and Vlad just >missed seeing them together? > It's a *silly* idea. Besides, Loiosh is secretly the Empress Undauntra.