
Souls (_Issola_ spoilers) (was: Concerning Great Weapons & Baritt)

Tue Mar 11 07:03:18 PST 2003






On Tue, 11 Mar 2003, Steve Simmons wrote:

@> The biggest loose end: since Dragaera is clearly an ancient human
@> colony, why don't off-world souls get reincarnated into Dragaeran
@> bodies?
@> Answer: Dragaeran reincarnation is a local effect of the gods.  The
@> souls of those who die outside the scope of the gods go elsewhere.
@> Morganti weapons interfere with the Gods capturing and recycling
@> the souls, thereby making the body unrevivifiable.

I also assumed that the reincarnation effect was a direct result of the 
presence of the Gods. Presumably, people that are killed outside of
Dragaera go wherever people usually go. (In Mr. Brust's universe, I'd bet
on "nowhere".) I think this is at least supported by the events of
_Issola_, although it's not explicitly stated; I'm thinking here of Vlad's
revelation about the purpose of the Paths of the Dead. The Gods generate
some kind of magic field that captures the minds of dead people[0] and
stores them somewhere until they can be brought back again for further use.

This also explains the Dragaeran attitude towards them; they aren't really
religious figures in the sense that we think of them. They're more like
the Federal Government. Anybody with sufficient skill and a sufficient
source of power to draw on could generate that kind of field and produce
the same results.

[0] Another tangent: are new souls ever generated? If not, the presence of
Morganti weapons will eventually mean the destruction of all life on
Dragaera unless somebody starts breaking them.