Hi, everyone! I've been a huge Vlad fan ever since I picked up Phoenix many years ago. I really find that I'm enjoying this board, but there is one thing that's been really bugging me and I thought I'd throw it out for you guys to dwell on. In Issola, Sethra tells Vlad that there are 17 Great Weapons. That statement leaves a lot of unanswered questions: 1-When 4 Jenoine attempt to hi-jack a small lake of chaos, only 3 Great Weapons (Iceflame, Blackwand & Pathfinder) show up to do battle with them. Where are the others? 2-If Dragerea's been around for a couple hundred thousand years, isn't Morrolon a little young to have a Great Weapon? Or are they handed down as family heirlooms? 3-Why did Sethra insist on calling Lady Teldra Godslayer? It didn't slay a God, it slayed a Jenoine. There is a big difference. I find if rather abrupt and forced.