
Impeach George W. Bush

Wed Mar 19 12:33:20 PST 2003

I am exercising extreme restraint in somewhat mildly
suggesting that this ...this.... that *this* type of
post is not appropriate.  It is *in my opinion* not
welcome.  Steve may correct me, and others are free
to express separate opinions.


"My opinions may have changed, but not the fact that I am right"

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mia McDavid [mailto:mia_mcdavid at attbi.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2003 13:00
> To: Amy Doherty; Andy Horel; Ann & Tom Reif; Betty; Bill Urban; Brenda
> Bartel; Bruce and Julie; bruce e yoder; buffy keepers; Carol Bohlsen;
> Carol Kennedy; Char Johnson; Chas; Chuck & Tarri Levine; Chuck Huttar;
> clanntartandanceguild at yahoogroups.com; dani_kin; Dave Rust; David
> Ackerman; David Schroth; David Vavreck; David Wilford; Decadent Dave;
> Don Morgan; dragaera at dragaera.info; DudleyF; ebogue at umich.edu; Elisa
> Davis; Elizabeth Mitchell; Erin Carr; Frank Hayes; Fred A Levy Haskell;
> Fred A Levy Haskell; G2; Genevieve Fagerstrom; Geri Sullivan; Gillian
> Bradshaw; Glenn McDavid; gtm; Hannah Sternshein; Herb Lindorff; Herb
> Lindorff; Jacob Manier; Jaimie; Jane Cooper; Jen; Jenn Ridley; Jim
> Schaerer; Joan Cooper; Jocelyn; John Ostrander; Jon Bayless; julie a
> yoder; Kara; Kathryn Johnston; Kathy Koestner; Kathy Mielke; Kent Hamre;
> Kimberly Hutchens; Laura J. Fish; Lee Hillhouse; Linda Rawson; Lisa
> Horton; Little Willow; Lydia Brown; Lynne; Lyssa M. Cummings; Mairi;
> Marla Hirschy; Marty L. Byers; Mary Monica; Matt Fagerstrom; Michael
> Hanley; Michelle; Molly Witten; Molly Witten; Nate Bucklin; Pam Hartley;
> Peer G. Dudda; Peggy O'Neill; Phil Johnson; Raven McDavid; Raven
> McDavid; Robert M Portinga; Roland and Frieda; Roy and Donna Hinman;
> Sandra Hansen; Sandy Borrmann; SashaDWolf at aol.com; Saydra Murray; Shawn
> Turner; Shirley Shone; Stephanie Lindorff; Steve Macdonald; Sue Wolff;
> Tia Mary; Tom McDavid; Tom Ray; Trillium list; Vicki Ryan; Virginia
> McDavid
> Subject: Impeach George W. Bush

< Inappropriate political excrement redacted >
< derogatory reproductive function description repressed >

> Mia McDavid 