
Klava Recipies

David Silberstein davids at kithrup.com
Wed Mar 19 23:46:16 PST 2003

There were several posts by various persons who pretended that they
had in fact brewed the genuine klava, using the partial description of
eggshells & wood chips described in "Issola". 

Would those persons who believe they have successfully re-created this
drink be so kind as to post the actual materials, methods, quantities
& times, as precisely & completely (& nicely & accurately) as possible
so that others may try it (e.g., what kind of coffee did you start out
with, what kind of wood, what species of bird for the eggshells (just
in case anyone tried duck or goose), how were these materials
combined, how long was A in contact with B, etc, etc)? 

For I confess, I am curious to know.

And for those going to Brustian meets - perhaps a klava taste-off
might be part of the activities?