
drink (was Re: Klava Recipies)

Fri Mar 21 13:11:14 PST 2003

Run Away! Run Away! It's the Killer Rabbit!

>From: "Mark Tiller" <mtiller at ntlworld.com>
>To: "'Chris Olson - SunPS'" 
><Chrisf.Olson at Sun.COM>,<matthew at infodancer.org>,<dragaera at dragaera.info>
>Subject: RE: drink (was Re: Klava Recipies) Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2003 20:21:24 
><sigh> I had hoped SOMEONE would get the Monty Python reference :-(
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Chris Olson - SunPS [mailto:Chrisf.Olson at Sun.COM]
>Sent: 21 March 2003 20:13
>To: matthew at infodancer.org; dragaera at dragaera.info; mtiller at ntlworld.com
>Subject: RE: drink (was Re: Klava Recipies)
> >> I -KNOW- that this IS off topic, but does anybody know why the phrase
> >> "Your mother wears army boots" is supposed to be so insulting? :)  Or
> >> for that matter, "Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of
> >> elderberries"
> >Hmm... I'm not sure of the first one.  I seem to recall
> >my mother wearing army boots anyway, so it never really bothered me.
> >The elderberries I'd assume is a polite (heh) way of saying he's a
>drunkard.  The hamster?  >Well, I'm sure you could come up with
>something for that, if you REALLY tried.... <grin>

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