

Gaertk at aol.com Gaertk at aol.com
Fri Mar 21 20:05:25 PST 2003

"Davis, Iain E." <feaelin at kemenel.org> writes:

> I recently was purchasing the Liavek series at various used 
> bookstores (or trying to) 
> Does anyone have an extra copy of the fourth book of the 
> series "Liavek: Spells of Binding"?  I've not been able to 
> find it anywhere except on amazon shops, and there only for 
> prices I'm not comfortable with. :)

Nope, sorry.  I found the odd-numbered books at a local used
bookstore, and got the even-numbered ones from an online
store (I think it was Pandora Books).  I've found Bookfinder
( www.bookfinder.com ) to be very good at finding stuff.  
If searches for "Liavek" don't work, try putting in 
"Shettery" for author and "binding" for title.

BTW, I got the impression while reading the books that the
authors believed the series would end at book four and so
they tied up most of their plot threads, forcing them to
scramble to write something for book 5.  And as a result,
book 5 had lots of characters acting out of character for
most of the stories (except Mr. Brust's, of course).
