

Beth Friedman bjf at wavefront.com
Fri Mar 21 21:17:43 PST 2003

In our previous episode at 10:05 PM 3/21/03, Gaertk at aol.com wrote:

>BTW, I got the impression while reading the [Liavek] books that the
>authors believed the series would end at book four and so
>they tied up most of their plot threads, forcing them to
>scramble to write something for book 5.  And as a result,
>book 5 had lots of characters acting out of character for
>most of the stories (except Mr. Brust's, of course).

That doesn't match my memory of the actual events.

Beth Friedman / bjf at wavefront.com
There are 10 types of people in the world; those who understand binary, and 
those who don't.