
Loraan, Orlaan, Rolaan...

Tue May 27 15:49:00 PDT 2003

Mark, I'm reading a book by Steven Pinker called _Words and Rules_ which
leads me to suspect there may be deep brain structures at work here - I
suggest you expand your useful table.  I note that "l" and "r" are both
classsed as semi-vowels (liquids, in fact) - you might allow substitution
of the other s-vs, /w/ and /y/ (wind, yuck).  And the vowels of interest
here are both back-of-the-tongue - you might add /u/  or /e/.  I think by
doing so you can create enough character names for SKZB to populate the
rest of his Vlad and Paarfi novels, many may they be.

On Tue, 27 May 2003, Steven Brust wrote:

> At 03:42 PM 5/27/2003 -0400, Mark A Mandel wrote:
> >
> >Steve, I urge you to shake off your obsession with these particular
> >letters. In case you can't, or to help you catch yourself, I offer you a
> >table of the 360 anagrams of "Loraan"
> Thank you *so* much.